One family wendi, kenia and there two kids fernando and not sure what the young girls name is but they are awesome family wendi has a lot of interest and has a lot of questions about the church and how it works and also about how missionaries are and what they do. He is always asking us questions and wondering about things. He came to church not yesterday but the week before. His wife is interested but has more doubts and is catholic. People like to use that they are catholic as an excuse not to talk to us. Even though they have been to church when they were baptized and that is about it, but she is still willing to listen so that is good.
We are also to teaching one family who is a young family but very nice and the kids are well behaved which is weird in this country. Junior and Ester are married which is great and they have a lot of interest. They will be difficult to get to church though cause Junior doesn't always have sundays off. But they are a great family that has a good chance of being baptized.
We also received quite a few references from members this week and all of them have a chance to progress which is good cause we need so investigators that are progressing. We have been working hard though and have had some great lessons. We keep doing a lot of contacts and talk to some interesting people. One guy earlier last week was trying to tell us what we believe and what we do as a church. It is always funny when oher preachers talk about us and tell their congregation false things so that they wont talk to us. I just shows how true our church must be for satan to go against us so hard.
We had a few exchanges this week with other elders which was fun. it is a nice change to everyonce in a while change things up and see the different teaching styles of each person and take what you like about it and apply it.
The weather has been getting hotter and hotter. We have to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. It is still pretty cool at nights though so it makes it easier to sleep. Thats about all that is happening in the DR so hope all is well with all of you. love you all
con amor
Elder Holmes
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