Well another week passes by very fast. We had a good week had some good days and are having some progressing investigators. The one baptism that we were going to have didn't go through because he works too much and we couldn't get him interviewed but maybe in a few weeks. We have one baptism planned for this weekend with a younger girl Liz Karen. She is 18 and is the granddaughter of a member. she has been taking missionary lessons for over a year and a half. I guess something just clicked and she was ready. I went by their house to introduce E. Correa to her grandma. So we shared a scripture with them and invited her to church. She came and so we sent up an appointment to talk to her. So we talked to her and taught a few things then she asked when we were going to be holding the next baptism we told her and she said she was ready. Not sure what made her change her mind or what made her ready but whatever it was it was for the best. Her grandma is way excited about the whole thing and has been trying to help her get to church for many years. I guess the example her grandma was to her eventually made her decide she was ready.
We are still working with wendi and Yon carlos and trying to get them to have testimonies of the BoM. once they have that testimony things should start to move smooth. The BoM really is the thing that makes the deal. When you they receive a testimony of the BoM they can see how important all this stuff is and it helps them have more faith in God and that he really does answer prayers. It also helps them stay active after baptism.
We need to try to always strengthen our testimony of the BoM and the true church of Jesus Christ, and always be giving thanks for all that we have.
This week was holy week. They celebrate the whole week as easter. There is a very strong christian background here which is really good, but the way they celabrate it isnt the best. People bring out pools smaller pools into the streets and fill them with water then play in them and drink alcohol all day. And i guess everyone goes to the beaches and hangs out there. Sometimes it is hard to remember why we really have holidays. It is important to remember the true meaning of the holidays we have.
Well we finally have water again for the last 4 days we havent had any running water so we have been showering from buckets and doing dishes from the buckets too. We have to go fill up the buckets in a well and carry them up to our apartment. I was so happy to see that we had water. We take things for granted in the U.S.
Well that is all from the DR. Hope all is well in the states with everyone.
Love you all.
con amor
Elder Holmes
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