It is weird not being home for the 4th but be thankful for our country, we have a good life there. I remember coming home from Africa this time last year and saying the same thing it is weird how fast the time is going. It seems like yesterday I was in Africa and now I am in a different country speaking some foriegn language. Life is a wonderfull experience, always take advantage of the time we have on this earth now is the time to prepare to meet God.
Everything here is going well. I was glad to have changed comps and get someone who is not trunky. Elder Almonte is my comp he is from here from La Vega if you want to look that up it is in the Santiago mission. We get along great and worked hard this week. We also had E. Braithwaight with us as he is going to be training and his comp doesnt leave the ccm untill tommorrow, so we had a fun time and worked hard. It is weird teaching in a trio but fun in the house. E. Braithwaight went to the islands and learned popimento. It is interesting to hear about how the islands are.
We have a good pool of investigators and got a lot more this week. We have 2 familys that seem like they will progress good and we are excited about that. We also have a few more and that have that desire to know about the true Gospel. It is amazing to see how people are prepared to receive the gospel and how ready they are to accept it when we share the message. This week we had two amazing lessons where the spirit was strong and where the investigators recognize it. We had one lesson with a women and his wife the other day and we had taught the women Joselin once and she has a strong desire to be baptized after she went and saw the one we had 2 weeks ago, but the husband was drunk the first 2 times we went over there. They need to get married and when one of the people dont want to get married it is way hard to get them married then baptized so I was kind of down about that, but 2 days ago he sat down and listened to us and you could see the change and excitement in his eyes as we taught the lesson. You can literally see the light of Christ shining brighter in their eyes when the spirit is there. Now they both want to be baptized. They are so excited to hear the new things we teach them. They are a great couple and we hope that they can keep their desire and work towards baptism.
I hope all is well with everything and everyone. you are all in my prayers daily. thank you so much for everything. love you all!
con amor
Elder Holmes
Elder Holmes his outgoing Mission President
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