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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jan 16th, 2012

Well another week passes by. Things have been going well for us. We have a lot more people to teach now which is nice makes things go better and helps you keep the spirit high. We are teaching a few Haitians and one of them doesn't know a lot of Spanish so we are learning a little french to talk to them. It is very similar to Spanish besides the pronunciation.

Yesterday we went to a fireside about the scientific evidence of the Book of Mormon, it was put on by a BYU professor named Jamison or something. It was really interesting and it had a lot of evidences that were cool to know about. It showed some pictures of chinzinitza or however you spell it, the place we went to when we were in cancĂșn. we had one of our investigators there and we are hoping that she understood more the story and background of the Book of Mormon. she has been going to church for 4 months and her whole family are members but her. She has one son that is a returned missionary and another on a mission and another preparing to go in the next 6 months, and her husband is the institute teacher. She goes to a different church so is not sure about anything. But we are continuing to work with her and hoping we can help them get sealed as a family in a year. 

We just got done eating at a Mexican restaurant with the district which was fun. We have an Mexican in our district so we went there to eat. I also bought some dominoes which is a big thing here the people are always drinking playing dominoes. so I figured that i better get good at it. we have interviews with president on Thursday so that will be good. and other then that everything is fine. we are working hard and trying to find people to teach and baptize. God always has people prepared it is just a matter of finding them through faith. thanks for all of your support. love you all so much. Work on not falling into a rhythm of the gospel but really leaving it to the full and becoming fully converted. love you all.

Con Amor,

Elder Holmes

¡oh ya and the family i was teaching in my last area  was baptized!

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