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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

June 27

Buenas de la Republica.
Well today and the next few weeks is going to be weird. I will be in a trio for today with our zoneleader and a mini missionary from Utah but his family is living here for a year or two. He is 15 I cant imagine serving at teh age of 15 but for these last two hours he seems like a good guy. Then tomorrow my comp comes Elder Almonte he is Dominican but speaks quite a bit of english I know him from La Romana and he is a great missionary so I am excited to work with him. Then we are also going to have a trio with another elder for a week while he waits for his trainee to come, so it should be interesting but it will be fun.  Our new President comes tomorrow to take over and  am not sure how all that will work if we are going to have a meeting or not but I would think so some time soon but not positive. I am excited to work these next week and try to find some new people and work hard. I think that we will have a lot of success.
Hmno Wayne was baptized this saturday and everything went really well. He has a strong testimony and already fits in in the ward which is great. We also have a few more people that are progressing and I hope that they will except the gospel and be baptized. One lady asked us after the baptism of Wayne if she could be baptized tomorrow, which was sunday. We told her she has to learn a little more and get married cause she has a boyfriend for I think 15 years now so we will work on that. It is great to see people that have that strong desire to follow christ and have truly been prepared to recieve this gospel.
I think that I am going to put pictures up but not positive so we will see. thank you all for everything that you do and I hope that all is well. I pray for you all daily and hope that you continue to follow Jesus and receive the blessings that come with being a true disciple of Christ.
con amor
Elder Holmes
                    Wayne's baptism
              Elder Holmes with Wayne and Elder Pena

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